Article: Page (25-30)
Intra-ovarian direct trocar penetration and drainage for access prior to laparoscopic surgery for giant ovarian cyst.
The correct authors order and affiliation is:
- Shofwal Widad (Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health andNursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada/Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta) as the first author.
- Mochamad Anwar (Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine, Public Healthand Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada/Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta) as the second author.
- And Taufik Wahyudi Mahady as the third author (Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Meuraxa General Hospital, Banda Aceh).
abstract book (2)
Adenomyosis (7)
Bali (2)
Benign gynecology (3)
Caesarean section (2)
Cameroon (2)
Cesarean scar pregnancy (2)
Classification (3)
Conference (2)
Congress (2)
Cystectomy (3)
diagnostic hysteroscopy (7)
Diagnostic Techniques (5)
Ectopic pregnancy (5)
Endometrioma (3)
Endometriosis (18)
endometrium (3)
Fibroids (2)
Gynecologic Surgical Procedures (3)
histopathology (2)
Hysterectomy (10)
Hysteroscopy (29)
IBS (3)
Infertility (6)
Intrauterine Bigatti Shaver (7)
laparoscopic surgery (3)
Laparoscopy (37)
Management (5)
Minimally invasive (2)
Minimally invasive gynaecological surgery (2)
minimally invasive surgery (3)
Myomectomy (6)
Obstetrical and Gynecological (4)
office Hysteroscopy (3)
Operative Hysteroscopy (9)
Postmenopausal (2)
Reproductive Surgery (3)
RPOC (2)
Submucosal fibroid (3)
Surgery (5)
Torsion (2)
ultrasound (4)
vaginoscopy (5)
Video (6)
vNOTES (4)