Dear all,
Since 2020, we have made our traditional website “the trocar” available as an open access magazine to ISGE members and all researchers as a publication platform. All articles are DOI registered and are therefore citable. It was very important to us to offer young researchers from all parts of the world a platform to publish data, experiences and opinions in a peer review process.

Young researchers depend on publishing their study data. Unfortunately, access to major journals is limited. We publish classical studies but also want to give room for unconventional approaches, which are often asked in developing countries and are important for survival. We are open to unusual therapeutic approaches and open to discussions. For this reason, we also facilitate columns for the exchange of experience or opinions.

ISGE is a globally active society and supports scientific development of cutting-edge medicine as well as good solutions for feasible projects in all regions of the world. Since there are very large differences (currently 60% of the world’s population does not have regular access to surgical care), we would like to face this challenge as a scientific journal.

Editors and the reviewer board will process the contributions as quickly as possible. We offer members of ISGE the publication free of charge. Non-members pay a small contribution of 250€. Maybe you look at the membership fee for ISGE to decide what seems cheaper to you. In order to make this offer, we have to keep costs low and depend on volunteer work. Therefore, the journal is published in pdf form on the website. We are looking forward to numerous submissions

For the editorial Board

Yours sincerely
Günter Noé

  • Günter Noé
  • Editor in Chief
  • The International Society for Gynecological Endoscopy

Most recent articles on The Trocar

The Trocar is the multispecialty, peer-reviewed journal of the Society, that since its creation in 1998 has used the advantages of the internet for a quick and always advanced and updated promotion of the endoscopic surgery.