The Trocar Open Access Journal – 06/2023

Volume 4 – Issue 2. 2023
View beyond the pure gynaecological problems…
By Guenter Noé - Immediate Past President ISGE

  • Reading time 4.8 minutes
The Trocar Open Access Journal – 06/20232024-12-07T16:28:25+00:00

It goes without saying that we, as a gynaecological community, are committed to women. However, we need to broaden our view beyond the pure gynaecological problems. To date, the development of drugs and diagnostic regimens in particular has been oriented towards men. For example, the body’s own enzyme “CYP3A4”, which is responsible for the metabolism of more than half of all prescribed drugs, may be more active in women than in men. With other enzymes of the “CYP family”, on the other hand, it can behave exactly the opposite way – with correspondingly different effects on the active levels in the body! Continue reading introduction …

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Index: TheTrocar Volume 4 – Issue 2. 2023

Case reports
Video article
Expert opinion

Full articles open access

Total laparoscopic hysterectomy for benign gynecological pathologies: initial experience of Yaounde Gyneco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital, Cameroon

DOI: 10.36205/trocar2.2023002

Novel Use of a Laparoscopic Round Ligament Flap with uretero-neocystostomy in Urinary Tract Endometriosis (Video)

DOI: 10.36205/trocar2.2023005

Left ovarian vein thrombophlebitis in the postpartum period

DOI: 10.36205/trocar2.2023006

Laparoscopic approach in the management of interstitial ectopic pregnancies: A report of four challenging cases in Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital, CAMEROON

DOI: 10.36205/trocar2.2023003

Comparison between the use of a single dose of 400 μg rectal misoprostol and a peri cervical tourniquet to decrease blood loss during myomectomy by laparotomy at the CHRACERH

DOI : 10.36205/trocar2.2023001

Comment on “Recommendations for the application of laparoscopic surgery in gynae-oncology ISGE Gynae-Oncology Task Force” by Fabio Ghezzi University of Varese Italy

DOI: -

AD: Application video MetraBag – Dr. Noé (Dormagen); In this video we introduce you to the BOWA MetraBag. The MetraBag is the specimen and morcellation bag that enables the morcellation and specimen collection of the surgical specimen with low levels of cell dispersal for hysterectomy or myomectomy.

AD: ERGOact: The future is in your hands; With ERGOact, the first manually activated bipolar coagulation instrument, you operate without a foot switch for the first time in this instrument class. For more safety, control and comfort.

This edition of the open access journal was sponsored by Karl Storz Endoskope. Click image to enlarge the ad.

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